I love to sew: be it reattaching buttons on a coat, sewing a new dress, or even making something beautiful to wear or compete in.
I am a lifelong sewer and a graduate of the University of Texas - Arlington. My base of operations is constantly on the move around the country. I am a legacy business, I have worked with members of my family to develop, write, refine, and imagine all sorts of wonderful designs with which to share with whomever has a passion for sewing.
I am looking forward to the adventure that Sew What?! and Red Leaf Designs is offering me as an online shop and as a continuation of finding art in sewing.
To view my other shop check out
https://www.sewwhat.shopTo see my online portfolio website check outÂ
https://www.sewwhatcostumes.comTo support me on Patreon and learn about current projects check out